Flexibility and customizability
- Applications on the 1C:Enterprise platform can be customized to meet the needs of a given industry or individual enterprise.
- 1C:Enterprise-based systems can grow and improve as a business develops new needs and processes, implements new management and reporting practices, and complies with changing regulations and corporate standards. Open-source applications mean that the possibilities for modification are both wide-ranging and simple to implement.
- Extensions are a modifications option that enables users to customize applications by modifying an existing function and/or adding a new one — depending on the user’s business process needs — without changing the source code of the standard application.
- Extensions are similar to plugins connected to standard applications. Extensions can turn on depending on certain conditions, e.g. only for defined groups of users.
- This provides unique customization options for cloud SaaS-solutions on the 1C:Enterprise platform. By plugging in different customized extensions, standard applications in a public cloud can offer different functions to different groups of users, depending on their needs.
- Extensions also automate the process of updating a customized solution to a new version of its underlying standard application — the extensions simply connect to the new version. Users gets all the functionality of the updated application without losing their own modifications.